HISTORIC LOS ANGELES encompasses eight sites offering individual house histories of one entirely vanished gated street, BERKELEY SQUARE; another gated community of which a single house remains, WESTMORELAND PLACE; one seminal thoroughfare still very much in place but entirely, or almost entirely, devoid of its original array of single-family residences, WILSHIRE BOULEVARD; another key east-west street once the spine of the original "West Los Angeles," ADAMS BOULEVARD; thriving 110-year-old WINDSOR SQUARE, a subdivision too often lumped in with HANCOCK PARK but one with perhaps 95 percent of its original houses, including many moved from Wilshire Boulevard as it fell to commerce; one partially surviving West Adams subdivision adjacent to well-known Chester Place, but predating it—ST. JAMES PARK—and FREMONT PLACE, opened in 1911 in a new Wilshire district becoming known as the "West End" of Los Angeles. Below are links to these histories; stories of houses and institutions elsewhere in the city are in MISCELLANY below.

637 South Ardmore Avenue

683 South Carondelet Street
686 South Carondelet Street

1815 Westmoreland Boulevard
The Secret Lives of Bricks
The Track

1417 South Figueroa Street
2619 South Figueroa Street

629 South Harvard Boulevard

2218 South Harvard Boulevard

2263 South Harvard Boulevard

1213 Orange Street

818 South Bonnie Brae Street
757 South Westlake Avenue

2443 South Western Avenue

501 South Normandie Avenue

1130 Westchester Place
Illustrations credited in individual stories

1417 South Figueroa Street
2619 South Figueroa Street
629 South Harvard Boulevard

2218 South Harvard Boulevard

2263 South Harvard Boulevard

1213 Orange Street

818 South Bonnie Brae Street
757 South Westlake Avenue

2443 South Western Avenue

501 South Normandie Avenue

1130 Westchester Place
Illustrations credited in individual stories